Monday, February 13, 2012

Dream as a Kid

Every one of us as a kid had our Dreams. Dreams of flying around the world, Dreams of becoming a cricketer, Dreams of becoming a king, Dreams of becoming a celebrity, Dreams of becoming a Legend

What happened to our Dreams???
As I was thinking on what to write for my blog I though to myself as a kid I had dreams of so many things and aspiring of becoming in to someone who is unbeatable. I have crossed Quarter of a century and the dreams which I had as a kid remains as a dream locked up in my mind. 

I do not know the reason why! Is it because as we enter in to our teens we become the nonsensical us doing crazy things. I think from being a kid becoming a teenager does a lot of transformation in us and mostly we Indians tend to satisfy our parents. Our parents once we complete our High school they have two things on their minds. Engineer, Doctor and there will be add-on’s as well IAS, IFS. These days IIT and IIM have become an inevitable talk in every ones household. 

I think as a parent it’s important for them to think their kids to be the greatest and there is nothing wrong with it but what hits me the most is because of that many kids talents remains hidden forever.

I remember my cousin who was great in Hockey and Table tennis was hidden forever, he would have become a notable player in the sports segment but it was never fruitful. I have friends who wanted to become a sportsman, another one who wanted to become a musician, one of my friend wanted to be a businessman, another friend of mine wanted to start a hotel and the list goes on and on. 

Many of us who do our jobs these days right at this moment do not ever care about it. All we need was money and that is why we are working but deep inside our heart there is something which always knocks us and says what happened to our dream?? Being a kid years back we never had any worries, our jobs is to study and study and study and then we need to get in to a corporate job and here we are doing the same exact thing. Every one of us has that unique talent of being someone huge, larger than life image but it gets faded away as years pass by.

Still I do not have an answer!!! Do we need to blame our parents because they care for us and they want us to have a beautiful life?? Do we blame ourselves for not taking that extra heap of climbing the ladder?? Do we need to blame the society for not looking at us like an alien when we tend to do something out of normalcy???

As I have mentioned I do not have an answer. You guys will know many friends of yours who has tons of talents and it remains with them. Dream as a kid should not be a dream it has to become a reality at least we should have tried to make it a reality. If I would have tried of becoming a sportsman I do not have to blame myself I will not feel guilty of not trying. 

Becoming an Engineer, Becoming a corporate big shot is good but there is much more in life. Do not make a kids dream as a dream. Why do we tell kids to dream?? Why do we show pictures of celebrities and sportsman and feed them food. I think there is a bit of selfishness involved in there. Selfish of making my kid the big shot, selfish of making my kid an Engineer, IAS, IFS, Corporate Executives

Let the Kids dream and let them turn it in to reality do not shy them away from taking the ultimate risk of becoming a superstar, they may regret it and die of guilt and fear.

Let’s make this world a beautiful place


  1. Let your kids free and let them do what they want and let them be who they want to be. "HEre is a beautiful poem by Khalil Gibran: Love, Anu

    Your children are not your children.
    They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
    They come through you but not from you,
    And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.

    You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
    For they have their own thoughts.
    You may house their bodies but not their souls,
    For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,
    which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
    You may strive to be like them,
    but seek not to make them like you.
    For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.

    You are the bows from which your children
    as living arrows are sent forth.
    The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite,
    and He bends you with His might
    that His arrows may go swift and far.
    Let your bending in the archer's hand be for gladness;
    For even as He loves the arrow that flies,
    so He loves also the bow that is stable.
