There were times in our life where we had a
rift with our friend, sister, Brother, parents, neighbours, team mates, class
mates, Gym mates, Jog mates and much more.
All this for a simple reason Ego
Ego I checked online what it means, it gave
me several synonyms the one which I liked was “The I or
self of any person” When we think of something or when we do something we
always think about I, not that everyone do the same but yes most of us just
think about I.
A simple “I do it my way” brings down the
friendship in a split second. A simple “I am this way” brings down relationship
in a jiffy. A simple “I can’t do it” brings bitterness between two. A simple
“Why Should I”, “Why Do I have to”, “Why does it have to be this way” Creeps in
and shuts the most beautiful relationship between brothers, Sisters, Wife,
Husband, GF, BG, Friends, Neighbours, Office colleagues and you can count them
Why does this happen??
I was trying to find an answer but does it
really matter to find out the reason why people have Ego. It does upsurge under
certain circumstances. Sometimes it comes in because too many people are
watching you when you have an argument with the other person, Ego Pops in your
head and you tell something which makes you a Hero in an instant but you will
fail to win the person with whom you are arguing. You may be a winner at that
moment but what is the point??? You can win so many battles with your tongue
but it’s hard to win a soul if your Ego tells things which are not resounding
for the other person and you may lose his friendship or whatever relationship
you have with him/her.
Family is one beautiful gift which anyone
can have. It creates your own world with your children wonderful wife/husband but
sustaining it building a castle out of it is a challenge which many fail to
achieve. Why?? many a times it’s the “Ego”. You tell something and your partner
says the other way round over a silly thing take for example buying a
Refrigerator. A Squabble disguises in
the way of EGO, you keep arguing and finally you end up buying nothing. Why
because “The I or self of any person” snaps in and takes control, A simple 5 minutes on
why do we need the Refrigerator and what is our purpose brings in harmony and also
takes your relationship to the next Level.
In many relationships I have seen around
me, a simple argument is where everything stars and it boils down and bursts in
to two people going in two different ways. If you take a moment and look back
all it is because of Ego, it’s all because of the “I” involved in it, we do not
really think about “US”. WE do compromise most of the time but we fail to
capitalise at the most important juncture in our relationship and leads to

Whoever is reading this remember one thing,
When you say “I” and start arguing with the other person you are winning the
battle but you are losing the Loved one. Within few minutes it will grow in to
an enormous fight and it continues for days and you end up being alone looking for
answers on why it happened?? Well you know the reason, you could have sat and
made her/him understand and could have ditched your EGO instead of Ditching the
relationship, when I say relationship it does not mean GF/BG, husband/wife, it
also includes a relationship with your friend, with your mom/dad, with your
shop keeper, with your boss, with a guy you meet on the roads, at the stadium,
in a match it does not matter. This might be cliché but I don’t mind it “if
there is no EGO our house and our town will be a paradise”
Ego doesn’t have to be arguments it also holds
back expressing your feelings, your emotions. Someone with whom you are in Love
with, Ego sneaks in and holds you in expressing it to her/him. I have seen many
friends who have not expressed their inner self to the one just because he/she
does not want to take that step because he/she might lose the self-esteem and
one more time “THE I” kicks in. Why do we have to hold back conveying our
emotions just because of our EGO. I had
my share of crushes but I never expressed it to the other person just because I
take pride in myself by not approaching them and telling them how I feel
because “The I in me” says you might lose your dignity, I can’t do that anymore
and I have an unequivocal feeling that the other person has the right to know
how I feel we need to shed our skin and be the Real “US”
Ego kills everything. Kills your inner
self, kills your mind, kills your smartness, kills your name tag and kills the
moral instincts which might get buried till you hit the graveyard.
What am I trying to say?? Kill the Ego.
What the heck mann, c’mon it is not going to give you the best out of you. It
is not going to give you eternal happiness. It breaks relationships; it is not
a pillar to build a relationship. When your mom/dad says you do it this way,
instead of saying I will do it My way,
make them understand why you are doing it, maybe you are wrong, may be they are
wrong but doing it “My way” is not the Way. Taking pride of your own Ego is
like taking a pile of cow dung and splashing it on your face instead dry it and
burn it you might be using it to warm yourself in the winter or for some itty
bitty things.
Even for the silliest of things throw your
EGO away deep inside the ocean. Let’s kick in begin a wonderful February
without even the slightest EGO storming in when we talk to someone, when we do
something, at our work place. Tell your wives how much you Love them rather
than being a Man and holding back in expressing your thoughts, Tell your
husband’s how you would want to snuggle and hear his childhood stories one more
time, Nobody is getting old the world around us is getting older and dangerous,
stop arguing and make people understand.
You aint gonna get a medal of honor.
Ego in my version is a self-Destructive, implausible
Weak Object which rescinds our relationship. A Word which does not mend but
bends and breaks.